In September 2005 the SFBA embarked on its mission to put in place the structures and resources necessary to ensure all family businesses in Scotland could access the specialist help, support and skills to enable them to grow and flourish over successive generations. In that time we have made a difference.
There is absolutely no doubt that the vast majority of business families do need our support to implement best practice to help them flourish.
The Scottish Family Business Association has developed a strategy to achieve our vision. It is ambitious, as it has to be if we are to make the impact we know is necessary. But, it is also very achievable, and since support for indigenous family business fits extremely well with the economic strategies of the new Scottish Government and Scottish Enterprise, now’s a great time. We can’t do it on our own, only in partnership with existing organisations.
We are very excited about the future and believe we are making huge strides in our aim to make Scotland the recognised world leader in celebrating, educating and supporting family businesses.
The SFBA need and welcome your support.